When faced with a DUI, traffic, speeding or other criminal charge in Bexley, contacting an experienced attorney practicing in the Bexley Mayor’s Court is essential. A variety of defenses may be available that you and your attorney should consider.
Bexley has been in the local news lately for the initiative recently considered by their city council to install speed cameras throughout the city. The city predicted that the speed cameras would result in nearly $1 million in additional fines and costs revenue from speeding drivers. Although the speed camera proposal ultimately faced opposition and has not been implemented, the proposal does demonstrate that when it comes to speeding, the City of Bexley means business.
If you are facing a traffic, speeding, OVI or criminal charge in Bexley or around Capital University, it is important to consult with an attorney regarding the details of your case. For example, if you are facing an OVI in Bexley:
- Did the arresting officer properly follow all of the proper protocols?
- Did the officer issued all required warnings?
- Did the officer properly administer all of the roadside field sobriety tests?
- Did the officer perform the search, tests and arrest lawfully?
Discussing these and other questions with your attorney is critical to achieve the best outcome given the facts of your case.
At Riddell Law, we regularly represent clients faced with OVI, traffic, speeding and other criminal charges in jury trials, bench trials and motion hearings throughout Central Ohio. We have represented clients facing drunk driving, traffic and criminal charges in nearly all of the municipalities around Columbus, including in Bexley Mayor’s Court, in cases ranging from speeding to first-time 1st offense OVI offenses to repeat drunk driving offenses as well as felony DUI cases that can carry significant penalties, including jail or prison time.