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Probation Violation Attorney


    Violation of your probation in Ohio is a very serious offense and must be handled carefully by an experienced Ohio attorney. Violating any of the terms or conditions of your probation can result in additional penalties, including jail time. It is critical to have an attorney on your side familiar with the local practice, judges and prosecutors in the city, county or township where you have been charged.  Our attorneys are located in Columbus and have spent their careers practicing in Franklin County and the surrounding counties in Central Ohio.


    In order to successfully defend against a violation of probation charge, your Ohio criminal defense attorney has to first thoroughly evaluate you — the defendant — and your particular situation. The nature of your probation violation will determine the defense strategy. For example, a failed drug screen could mean that a client is dealing with addiction and an alternative option to jail time could be proposed to the court involving drug and alcohol counseling.

    There may also be unique defenses to the alleged violation that could be addressed at the revocation hearing.

    For example, in one recent Columbus case, the Franklin County Court of Appeals found no probation violation where a defendant on probation from an OVI charge was physically unable to produce a urine samplewhen ordered due to a medical condition. Because his “refusal” was not willful, the court found no violation.


    At Riddell Law, we have the experience and compassion for our clients needed to determine what it is in their life that led them to violate the terms of their probation knowing that there will be consequences.  Be it addiction, family conflict, financial trouble or otherwise, we will work diligently to explain any and all mitigating circumstances to the court toward minimizing any possible penalties.  You can discuss the details of your case  with Attorney Douglas Riddell at a free initial consultation and with your help he can determine the best course of action necessary to successfully defend your probation violation.

    Contact us today for a free case review to discuss your options.

    Contact us via email at doug@riddelllaw.com, call us at (614) 361-2804 or fill out the confidential contact form to the right.