After “Am I going to jail?”, “how much do you charge?” is the most common question clients ask. After all, no one goes out planning to get a DUI, speeding ticket, or other criminal charge. Because a traffic or criminal charge is such an unexpected and unplanned expense, we find that our clients appreciate knowing the anticipated costs up front.
Generally, DUI lawyer cost (attorneys’ fees) will depend on the seriousness of the charges and the complexity of the case. We can’t quote exact fees until we know the facts of your case, your driving and/or criminal record, and the specifics of your arrest or ticket. Once we have that information (which we can gather in a phone call or at your free initial consultation), we can estimate the criminal defense or DUI lawyer costs based on the amount of work and the number of court dates we will need to appear for to achieve the most favorable resolution in your case.
That’s why we need to wait to give you an exact price until we can discuss the details of your case at your free initial consultation and case evaluation. But, to give you a general idea about what to expect, our approximate flat fee structure is as follows, although there may be some variation depending upon the case and situation.
The fee ranges cited below generally cover your arraignment hearing, investigation, document review, plea negotiations, pretrial, and any resolution of the case prior to trial.