Potential Penalties in Delaware County for Driving Under Suspension
Violation of the Delaware driving under suspension statute is a first degree misdemeanor. Penalties can include:
- Up to one year license suspension
- $1000 fine
- Up to 6 months in jail
If your license is suspended as a repeat traffic offender and you are convicted of driving under a 12-point suspension (an M1) in Delaware County, there is a mandatory minimum three day jail sentence.
Additionally, if the vehicle is registered in your name and you have been convicted of or plead guilty to one driving under suspension charge within the last 3 years, the court may order:
- the immobilization of the vehicle involved in the offense for 30 days and
- the impoundment of that vehicle’s license plates for 30 days in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4503.233.
Further, if the vehicle is registered in your name and you have been convicted of or pled guilty to two driving under suspension charges within 3 years, the court may order:
- the immobilization of the vehicle involved in the offense for 60 days and
- the impoundment of that vehicle’s license plates for sixty days in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4503.233.
If the vehicle is registered in your name and you have been convicted of or pled guilty to 3 or more driving under suspension violations within 3 years, the court can order:
- criminal forfeiture of the vehicle involved in the offense to the State.