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Can a Marijuana Possession Charge Prevent You From Getting a Concealed Carry (CCW) in Ohio?


Pending Marijuana Possession / Paraphernalia Charges Will Disqualify You from Obtaining an Ohio CCW.

R.C. 2923.125 says that if you have been charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession or paraphernalia under R.C. 2925 (Ohio’s drug offense laws), and the case is still pending, you are ineligible to obtain a concealed holder license (CCW) in Ohio. There does not appear to be an exception in the statute even for pending minor misdemeanor marijuana charges.

Once the case is over (ending in a plea, dismissal or verdict), the pending charges disqualifier no longer applies.  There may still be disqualifier, however, for a conviction depending on how the case concluded.


Marijuana Possession / Paraphernalia Convictions (M1-M4) Will Disqualify You From Obtaining an Ohio CCW

If you have been convicted of marijuana possession or paraphernalia under R.C. 2925 and it was a first, second, third or fourth degree misdemeanor, you are ineligible to obtain a concealed holder permit.


Minor Misdemeanor Marijuana Possession / Paraphernalia Will Not Disqualify You from Obtaining an Ohio CCW

A conviction for minor misdemeanor marijuana possession or paraphernalia does NOT disqualify you from obtaining a CCW in Ohio. There is an exception in the CCW law (R.C. 2923.125) for convictions of minor misdemeanors.


What Can You Do If You Have a Marijuana Conviction and Want an Ohio CCW?

If you have been convicted of M1-M4 marijuana possession or paraphernalia in Ohio, the charge should be expungeable within one year of the conviction.   You are eligible for expungement if you have only two misdemeanors or one misdemeanor and one felony on your record.

Once the drug charges have been expunged, you should be eligible to obtain an Ohio CCW.

For more specific guidance on expungement of your Columbus marijuana conviction, talk to one of our Franklin County (Columbus) expungement attorneys at (614) 361-2804.