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Grove City Marijuana Possession & Paraphernalia Attorney

Grove City Marijuana Possession Paraphernalia Attorney

Our Grove City drug abuse / paraphernalia attorneys regularly represent clients in the Grove City Mayor’s Court facing misdemeanor marijuana drug abuse and paraphernalia charges.

In most cases, if the Grove City police find marijuana and/or drug paraphernalia, you will be charged under a combination of the following charges under the Grove City Code in the Grove City Mayor’s Court.

The penalties for marijuana possession in Grove City are tougher than in the Ohio state code.

Penalties for Marijuana Possession in Grove City
(Grove City Code Section 513.03)

Fourth Degree Misdemeanor: Anything Less than 200 g of Marijuana

Under the Ohio code, marijuana possession is a minor misdemeanor.  But in Grove City, possession of anything less than 200 grams of marijuana is a fourth degree misdemeanor.

The following penalties could apply to a Grove City marijuana possession conviction:

Anything Less than 200 g of Marijuana on Grove City Property (E.g. Parks)

Penalties are even tougher if you are found with anything less than 200 grams of marijuana on property owned by the City of Grove City, such as a city park.

In that case, it is a first degree misdemeanor with the following potential penalties:

  • Maximum $1000 fine,
  • Up to six months in jail,
  • Mandatory six month license suspension
  • Disqualification from obtaining an Ohio concealed carry license (CCW).

If the drug is hashish, and the offender:

  • Has less than 5 grams, is it generally a minor misdemeanor (maximum $150 fine and mandatory six month license suspension).
  • Has between 5-10 grams, it is generally a fourth degree misdemeanor (maximum $250 fine, up to 30 days in jail, and mandatory six month license suspension).
  • Has more than 10 grams, it is a felony that will likely be brought in the Franklin County Common Pleas Court.

Further, if the offender has a professional license (law, medical, nurse, etc), the court must report any conviction to the appropriate licensing board.

Penalties for Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia
(Grove City Code Section 513.15)

Grove City’s marijuana drug paraphernalia statute states that: “no person shall knowingly use, or possess with purpose to use, drug paraphernalia.”

Possession of marijuana drug paraphernalia is generally is a minor misdemeanor in Grove City. This means a maximum $150 fine and a mandatory six month license suspension.


Our Grove City marijuana attorneys examine the facts, police report and any other evidence in every Grove City marijuana possession case to develop a defense strategy. This may include, for example, determining whether the initial stop and search by the police was proper or whether any of our client’s constitutional rights were violated during the police encounter.

Our goal is to minimize or eliminate the possibility of jail time, and to do everything we can to avoid a driver’s license suspension and a drug charge on our client’s record.

Reach out to our Grove City marijuana attorney – Douglas Riddell – today for a FREE Grove City marijuana drug possession / paraphernalia case consultation. Simply call (614) 361-2804.